Sømløse flersprogede løsninger

We enable our clients to reach new markets globally by connecting with their audiences and providing the best possible customer experience — in any language.

We’re a partner that can take you from planning to execution through our services, technology, consulting, and industry expertise. Our tailor-made solutions help you reach these new markets quickly, efficiently, effectively, and in a way that maximizes gains for your business.

That’s why the world’s top companies turn to us when they want their global goals to become their worldwide achievements.

Vores historie

Gettranslation was founded in 2017 with a simple mission to provide the highest quality language services to leading organizations worldwide.

Our success is the result of the hard work and commitment of the most loyal and dedicated team of employees in the industry; they are the ones most responsible for creating and sustaining our culture of growth.

Our strength is our people, and we are more than just a translation company. We're a family of committed individuals dedicated to being the world's leading enabler of global communications.

Vores vision

One of the privileges of being a successful business is having the opportunity to give back.

Gettranslation's commitment to good corporate citizenship has played a key role in shaping our culture and the way we conduct our business every day.

At Gettranslation, we are involved in a variety of causes, including supporting local communities and a diverse group of non-profit organizations. We also commit both time and money to our employees' efforts to make a difference in the world.

Hvordan får jeg et gratis tilbud?

Du kan uploade filen på vores panel for hurtige tilbud, som automatisk tæller ordene for dig og viser dig priserne for vores tre forskellige serviceniveauer (Kreativ, Premium og Professional).
Hurtigt tilbud
eterneco icon
Denis Bychowski
I de seneste par år har jeg brugt Gettranslation til oversættelser fra tysk og russisk til engelsk. Deres service er normalt hurtig og effektiv med en gennemsigtig prisstruktur.
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Vladislav Ivanov
Gettranslations medarbejdere har altid været professionelle og hjælpsomme. De er hurtige til at svare, når man beder om hjælp, og de overholder de aftalte tidsfrister.
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Anton Ziuzenok
Oversættelser af høj kvalitet med hurtige leveringstider. Google Ads- og Facebook-kampagner til oversøiske markeder er ikke noget problem for os nu.
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Arthur Kurilo
Gettranslations medarbejdere er effektive både fra et salgs- og driftmæssigt perspektiv. De er meget opmærksomme på tidsfrister for levering, og de griber hurtigt ind, hvis det er nødvendigt, for at løse eventuelle problemer efter levering.
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Vladislav Babkov
Gettranslation hjalp Woofastik med at udvikle en ny arbejdsgang for deres oversættelser, der har maksimeret kvalitet, kontrol og omkostningseffektivitet.

Vores kunder

Top companies from all over the world come to us when they want to engage with global audiences in new markets. From retail and travel companies to financial services and life sciences organizations, we're the leading choice for professional translations in over 190 languages with more than 50,000 native-speaking linguists.
Læs kundernes historier
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Embrace our family

Our strength is our people, and we are more than just a translation company. We're a family of committed individuals dedicated to being the world's leading enabler of global communications.
Om os

Kickstart your global strategy

Our specialized industry experts know your business inside and out.

Hej, jeg hedder Lisa.

Hvad kan jeg hjælpe med?

Lisa - Senior Account Manager

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