Lokalisering af websteder

Fuldt administrerede løsninger til at bringe dit websted til en anden kultur – fra flersprogede WordPress-websteder til komplekse arkitekturer.

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Hej, jeg hedder Lisa. Hvad kan jeg hjælpe med?

Lisa - Senior Account Manager

Har du mere komplekse behov?

Vi hjælper dig med at få et tilbud på komplekse dokumenter, PDF-filer, websteder, software med mere.

Personlige websteder

Community building websites

Photo sharing websites

Mobile device websites

Writers / authors websites


Informational websites

Brochure til onlineforretninger



Why Gettranslation?

Erfaring og tillid

Vi har leveret 1,1 millioner oversættelser på 190 sprog til 100.000 kunder på 40 makrodomæner siden 2017 og dermed styrket de mest krævende kunders globaliseringsstrategier.

Effektive processer

Vi arbejder hårdt på at gøre oversættelsestjenester mere effektive ved at forbedre vores produktionsprocesser med gode teknologier og dygtige mennesker. Et perfekt eksempel er systemet Alisa™, der med det samme matcher dit indhold med den mest kvalificerede oversætter til jobbet.

Et skridt foran

Vi tilbyder en bred vifte af sproglige tjenester, der dækker alle dine fremtidige behov: Google Ads-oversættelse, softwarelokalisering, undertekster og API'er for at integrere menneskeudført oversættelse overalt, hvor du har brug for det.

Hvordan får jeg et gratis tilbud?

Du kan uploade filen på vores panel for hurtige tilbud, som automatisk tæller ordene for dig og viser dig priserne for vores tre forskellige serviceniveauer (Kreativ, Premium og Professional).
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How it works

Our website translation services entail several ways to carry out the translation process, depending on your needs and convenience.

1. Translation of original files

We can translate directly into your website's source code (HTML, PHP, XML, or any other format) while respecting tags' integrity, thanks to the use of our proprietary translation software. This solution is ideal for a quick process, as it does not require the manual integration of texts into source files once the translation is delivered.

2. Translation of contents in text format

We can translate the website contents in any editable text format (such as Word or Excel). On request, we can also localize all the multimedia content of your website (images, graphics, downloadable pdfs, etc.) during the translation process.

3. Translation within a CMS

If your website is managed by a CMS (WordPress, Joomla!, Prestashop, etc.), we can insert the translations within the latter, via API or directly within the system if you provide us with access. Once you have inserted the translation into your staging site or into production, we can check the content in its final context to assess the need to adapt the content to the layout, on request and free of charge.

Why should you translate your website?

The translation of a website lets you reach thousands of new visitors and potential clients online. Offering your products or services to an international audience provides exposure and important growth potential for your business. Numerous studies have found that consumers are more likely to complete a purchase if they can find information in their own language. You can ensure a good browsing experience to your foreign visitors and gain market share in your industry at a limited cost. Our native speaking translators will adapt the content of your website to the culture and target audience, maintaining your brand identity while you expand into new markets.

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Se nærmere på vores teknologier

Oversættelses-API'er til løbende lokalisering, avanceret gentagelsesudnyttelse, indholdsudtræk fra 71 filformater og 21 indholdskilder, neural adaptiv maskinoversættelse og meget mere.
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Hej, jeg hedder Lisa.

Hvad kan jeg hjælpe med?

Lisa - Senior Account Manager

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