Vores garanti
Gettranslation tilbyder udtrykkelige garantier på kvalitet og leveringsdatoer.
Hvis du ikke er tilfreds med en opgave, leverer vi en anden version så hurtigt som muligt på vores bekostning. Hvis den anden version stadig er uacceptabel, har du ret til en delvis eller total refusion. Betingelserne og proceduren for at bestride kvaliteten af et job er beskrevet nedenfor.
Hvis leveringen finder sted for sent, og mængden af forsinkelse udtrykt i arbejdsdage er mere end en tredjedel af oversættelsens samlede tidsbudget udtrykt i arbejdsdage (dvs. 33 % for sent), og hvis forsinkelsen er direkte og kun skyldes Gettranslation, refunderer vi op til 100 % af udgifterne til opgaven.
Generelle salgsbetingelser
Disse generelle salgsbetingelser gælder for alle job, der udføres af Gettranslation for deres kunder.
Alle anmodninger om oversættelse skal ledsages af en ordre, der angiver den pris, der er fastlagt af parterne. Denne ordre skal sendes til os med posten, via e-mail eller fax. Vi forbeholder os ret til at nægte at starte på en opgave uden en ordre.
Tekniske dokumenter skal ledsages af referencedokumenter, som kunden leverer og/eller tegninger eller diagrammer, der giver en bedre forståelse af dokumenterne.
Prisen for en oversættelse beregnes ved hjælp ordtælling for teksten på kildesproget, medmindre andet er skriftligt fastlagt.
I tilfælde af at en kunde annullerer en ordre, faktureres alt, der allerede er udført, til 100 %, mens arbejde, der er suspenderet, faktureres til 50 %.
Medmindre andet er angivet, skal alle fakturaer betales inden for fem arbejdsdage fra udstedelsesdatoen.
Any late payment or failure to pay shall be cause for immediate collection of the entire amount due from the client, without previous notice or other formalities. Gettranslation reserves the right to request interest calculated according to the official rate of the Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank) in effect as of the date that such late payment is made. Moreover, the client must reimburse any expenses Gettranslation incurs to settle the case.
All work in progress and all orders in progress shall be suspended in the event of late payment.
Gettranslation shall not be held liable for any reason whatsoever for translations which are not stylistically satisfactory. Particularly for advertising and promotional material, the services of Gettranslation shall be limited to simple translation, unless expressly requested. Gettranslation shall not be liable for drafting the translated text in, for example, an advertising style that is different from the source text. Our liability shall be limited to the amount of the invoice.
Complaints shall only be taken into consideration if received by registered mail with return receipt within seven days of delivery of the job(s) or part of the job(s). All complaints must be accompanied by the original documents, disputed translations, and a letter of explanation. Once the above time period has elapsed, the translation shall be considered correct.
In the event of an unsatisfied client where a complaint is made within the established deadlines, Gettranslation agrees, at its own expense, to deliver an edited version of the disputed translation within a timeframe equal to one third of that previously established for the job, plus one business day. This second document shall be used to judge the quality of the translation in order to establish the amount of reimbursement, at Gettranslation's own discretion.
Gettranslation shall not be held liable for any delays caused by malfunctioning faxes, modems, e-mail and/or other mail or carriers, not directly controlled by Gettranslation.
In the event of late delivery where the time late is more than one third of the established delivery time, and in the event that the delay is directly and solely attributable to Gettranslation, a reimbursement shall be paid, to be established between the parties, up to an amount of 100% of the job delivered late.
Defects present in one part of the translation shall not be grounds, for any reason whatsoever, for questioning the entire translation. Gettranslation reserves the right to make modifications to the translation in such case.
Only written agreements between the parties shall be taken into consideration. The Court of Tallinn shall have jurisdiction for all disputes. In the event of failure to pay, all representation of partial or total reproduction of such translation shall be deemed illegal. Gettranslation reserves the right to request immediate payment of the translation and compensation for copyright, where applicable, from a client who uses unpaid material.
Gettranslation and/or related suppliers do not acknowledge any guarantee or condition related to the services offered, including all implicit guarantees and conditions regarding salability, suitability for a particular purpose, ownership, and non-violation of third-party rights. Gettranslation and/or related suppliers shall not be liable, for any reason whatsoever, for special, indirect, or consequential damages or for any other damages of any type resulting from the loss of rights to use, loss of information, or lost profits, whether they result from the performance of a contract, negligence, or other detrimental actions, deriving from or in some way connected with the services of Gettranslation.
Hej, jeg hedder Lisa.
Hvad kan jeg hjælpe med?
Lisa - Senior Account Manager
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