Google AdWords 캠페인 번역

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안녕하세요, 저는 Lisa입니다. 무엇을 도와드릴까요?

Lisa - 선임 회계 관리자

복합적인 번역 서비스가 필요하십니까?

복합 문서, PDF, 웹사이트, 소프트웨어 등의 번역 견적을 제공해드립니다.

Why Gettranslation?

Experience and Trust

We have delivered 1.1 million translations in 190 languages to 100,000 clients in 40 macro-domains since 2017, powering the globalization strategy of the most demanding clients.

Open Technology

We work hard to make translation services more effective by enhancing our production processes with great technology and talented people. Our APIs help you integrate human translation anywhere and anytime you need.

Dedicated Human Support

Localization experts to support your internationalization journey and linguistic services that cover all your future needs.



How it works

1. Choose languages and markets

In which countries and which languages will you advertise your products? Identify the most appropriate market-language combination for your investment, taking into account the customer base and online sales potential.

2. Prepare your Google Ads material for translation

Basic mode: send us a simple Word or Excel document containing the campaign to translate or give us access to your AdWord panel by adding a new temporary user. Please do not forget to organize your file in ad groups in order to help our translators understand the campaign structure.

Expert mode: download AdWords Editor, the free Google application for managing AdWords campaigns, in order to generate an .aea file. With its clear and friendly interface, it takes about 5 minutes to open your AdWords account in the editor, download the campaign you want to localize, and export the backup in .aea format.

3. Get a quote

Get an instant quote here or send us the files to translate at

discaver illustration

Discover our technologies

Translation APIs for continuous localization, advanced repetition leveraging, content extraction from 71 file formats and 21 content sources, neural adaptive machine translation, and much more.
Learn more

글로벌 프로젝트를 시작하십시오

당사의 업계 전문가는 귀사의 비즈니스를 온전히 이해하고 있습니다.

안녕하세요, 저는 Lisa입니다.

무엇을 도와드릴까요?

Lisa - 선임 회계 관리자

실시간 견적 받기

문서를 빠르게 번역할 수 있는 손쉬운 방법.

몇 번의 클릭만으로 온라인 주문 가능.

실시간 견적