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Vladislav Babkov
“Gettranslation helped Woofastik develop a new translation workflow maximizing quality, control and cost efficiencies.”
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Denis Bychowski
“Over the last few years, I've used Gettranslation for translations from German and Russian into English. Their service is normally quick and efficient, with a transparent pricing structure.”
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Vladislav Ivanov
“The Gettranslation team has always been professional and helpful. They are quick to respond to requests for assistance and they respect the agreed deadlines.”
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Anton Ziuzenok
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Arthur Kurilo
“The Gettranslation team is efficient from both a sales and an operations perspective. They are especially diligent when it comes to delivery deadlines, and they quickly take action where necessary to resolve any issues after delivery.”
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Vladislav Babkov
“Gettranslation helped Woofastik develop a new translation workflow maximizing quality, control and cost efficiencies.”
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Denis Bychowski
“Over the last few years, I've used Gettranslation for translations from German and Russian into English. Their service is normally quick and efficient, with a transparent pricing structure.”

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Top companies from all over the world come to us when they want to engage with global audiences in new markets. From retail and travel companies to financial services and life sciences organizations, we're the leading choice for professional translations in over 190 languages with more than 50,000 native-speaking linguists.
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