Från innovativa nystartade företag till multinationella aktörer

Serving thousands of customers worldwide, we partner with businesses of every size, adapting from small, on-demand tasks to high touch, fully managed solutions.


Google icon

Google is the leading web search and online advertising solutions provider. For them, we have translated a volume of more than 20 million words in 190 language combinations since 2017. Additionally, we have created a custom build AI system for the classification on 700K keywords for various industries, and we have provided an integration of our professional translation services within Google Translate, Youtube and Playstore.

European-union icon

Translation of standards, policy documents, reports to other EU institutions, framework documents on legal, technical, financial, scientific and economic issues, correspondence, web pages, press releases, speeches and statements, in 20 languages and for a volume of more than 5 million words.

Fashion icon

Translation of fashion marketing content in over 30 languages, including: press releases and statements, articles, corporate slides and presentations, website contents and product descriptions, for a volume of more than million words successfully delivered.

Rakuten icon

Translation of technical documentation, sales offers, partnership proposals, employment contracts and legal documentation, guaranteeing absolute confidentiality, very high quality and fast turnarounds.

World health organization icon

Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) är FN:s folkhälsomyndighet. De kräver översättningar och korrekturläsning för sammandrag ur Bulletinen, en av världens ledande folkhälsotidskrifter, för Global Health Observatory, WHO:s portal för hälsorelaterad statistik, och för WHO:s ramkonvention för tobakskontroll, vilket är det främsta globala tobakskontrollinstrumentet.

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Discover our technologies

Translation APIs for continuous localization, advanced repetition leveraging, content extraction from 71 file formats and 21 content sources, neural adaptive machine translation, and much more.
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