Undertextning av video

Över 10 000 timmar av film och TV-program anpassade med undertextning, berättarröst och dubbning.

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Multilingual Subtitles

Att översätta undertexter, titlar och beskrivning av videor är ett effektivt sätt för dig att sprida ditt budskap till internationella användare och utöka din användarbas samt antalet visningar på sidan/kanalen på en global skala.

Subtitle translation is a technical specialization that requires the skills and experience of expert linguists. They must be able to convey the original message without leaving out any relevant information. In addition to translating the words themselves, subtitlers must adapt the text to the limited number of characters per second (and per line) as well as following spacing rules. There are many factors to be taken into account to ensure that your target audience can easily read and understand your subtitles.

What format will I receive my subtitles in?

Subtitles can be provided in .srt, .ssa, .ttml, .sbv, .dfxp, .vtt, .txt, and all the other most commonly used subtitles files.

Transcriptions or Closed Captions?

What’s the difference?

Transcription is the process in which speech or audio is converted into a written text document, whereas closed caption divides transcript text into into time-coded chunks, known as “caption frames.” While transcription forms the basis for captioning, they each have different use cases.

Audio and video transcription

Transcription is the conversion of an audio or video file into text format. Generally, this is a 'word for word' or 'verbatim' transcription that is 100% faithful to the original recording.

In some special cases, as for example, when creating video subtitles, it is sometimes necessary to produce an 'abridged' (not fully word for word) transcription in order to respect the limitations of the space available.

Our expert translators can assess your file and provide you with the type of transcription you need.

What format will I receive my audio and video transcriptions in?

We will deliver the transcribed file in your preferred format (Word, .txt), without timestamps.

Closed captions

Engage more users by adding closed captions to your videos even when they don’t have the possibility to turn the volume on.

Closed captions are very useful as they allow your audience to fully understand the content and of course to boost your presence on the web, with a positive impact on SEO.

Especially on Social Medias, adding closed captions to your videos increases user views by 12%.

What format will I receive my closed captions in?

We will deliver the transcribed file in your preferred format (.srt, .ssa, .ttml, .sbv, .dfxp, .vtt, .txt), with timestamps.

Service Price per minute Turnover average time
Multilingual Subtitles

From EUR 10.00 to EUR 20.00

(accordingly to language and quality)

up to 50 min in 2 days, +1 day for each 50 min
Transcriptions EUR 4.00 per minute up to 100 min in 2 days, +1 day for each 100 min
Closed Captions EUR 6.00 per minute up to 100 min in 2 days, +1 day for each 100 min

Why Gettranslation?

Vi hjälper våra kunder att ta sig in på nya marknader, nå ut till sina målgrupper och erbjuda bästa tänkbara kundupplevelse – oavsett språk.